How to Fit an ISOFIX Car Seat with a Seatbelt: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents

If you travel often with family the safety of your kids is highly crucial. Not only from the perspective of ideal safety but the ISOFIX seats are also best when you want your kids to remain safe and comfortable. 

So, if you are planning to travel anytime soon, take a pause and make sure you have the ISOFIX seats installed properly. In this blog, we are going to learn the step by step process of how you can easily fit the ISOFIX car seat the right way. So let’s wait no more. Let’s wait no more.

What is an ISOFIX Car Seat?

The ISOFIX car seat is a special seat designed to make sure added safety. This seat is exclusively for kids and children. 

This seat is joined to the car via a standardized system featuring either plastic or high-quality metal. This plastic or metal system locks into cars’ ISOFIX fitting points firmly and makes sure the seat is more secure and stable in case of sudden jolt or jerk.

When Should You Use a Seatbelt Instead of ISOFIX?

Since ISOFIX child safety seats are very much ideal for reducing major injuries. Therefore, you should always use the seatbelt instead of the ISOFIX seat when you DO NOT have the ISOFIX anchor points in the seat itself. You need to understand that every car does not have the compatibility to the child car seat safety. There are some car seats that offer the compatibility to the ISOFIX of a specific age or weight limit.

Step by Step Guide To Fitting an ISOFIX Car Seat with a seatbelt

It’s important to know the right way of installing ISOFIX with a seatbelt. Here are the straightforward ways you can do it. However, keep in mind that every ISOFIX car seat may have a little bit different design of seat, joints and fixing points. Therefore, the process of fitting the ISOFIX car seat with a seatbelt may vary.

  • Firstly, you need to select the side of the seat that you want to fix your car seat with. Make sure you are on the corresponding side if your car seat has a top tether
  • Now place the infant carrier on the back seat of the car
  • After that line up the connecter of ISOFIX car seat’ anchor points, usually hidden the seat fabric The angle should always be precisely right of both of the connecters
  • Now carefully push the infant carrier back towards the seat so that anchor points slide into the teeth or connectors of the ISOFIX clips. Don’t push too hard once you head the click sound
  • Pay heed to the indicators that are there on the sides of your car seat. It would be along the clips.
  • Once you see the red indicator turned green, you are done. The ISOFIX seats has connected

Tips for Ensuring Car Seat Safety

ISOFIX car seats are always recommended to parents or anyone who is travelling with infants and kids. But there are still some of the important tips you must know to ensure car seat safety. If you are first time sure of ISOFIX car seats, these car seat safety tips should help you.


Correct joining and fixed installation of the ISOFIX set is crucial. You need to make sure to use either the lower anchors or a seat belt to properly secure the car seat. If you find yourself stuck anywhere, read the manual and lock the seat as per the vehicle’s owner manual. 


Fitting is another important step. The ISOFIX car seat should be according to the weight and height of your child. Fitting of the car child seat is something that should always be in the right manner or else there is no point of the child safety seat anyways.


No matter how secure and properly you have fixed the car seat. It should be secure enough to withstand jolts. Never overlook the importance of professional testing. Get a licensed safety check professional right away and make sure you have thoroughly tested the child safety car before you commence the journey.

Read instruction

Always read the manufacturer’s instructions and double check the advice. Also be vigilant what about when to replace the seat

Common Mistake to Avoid While Installing the ISOFIX Car Seat With A Seatbelt

Most of the time, people overlook the pretty minor things while installing the ISOFIX car seat. For instance, the angle! The rear-facing angle is crucial for infants, especially. If the car seat is upright, the kid head would likely flop forward and if the seat is reclined, it will cause less protection in case of a crash.

Likewise, the shoulder straps must be at the right height. keep the straps crossed for rear-facing children, and for forward-facing children, the straps must always be at or just above the level of shoulders. 

Furthermore, you need to use the tether straps, right fit of belt, and the retainer clip must be at the child’s armpit level.


How to fit an ISOFIX car seat with a seatbelt?

The ISOFIX aka “International Standard Organization Fix” seats are not recommended to fix with seat belts. You cannot fit the ISOFIX car seat with a seatbelt because these seats are manufactured with the exclusive design. There are ISOFIX anchor points in the vehicle which are 2 metal loops situated between the seat backside and the seat base. If your car does not feature the quality ISOFIX anchor points, you need to opt for seat-belt-installed car seats.

Can you use ISOFIX and seatbelt at the same time?

It is not recommended to use both the ISOFIX and a seatbelt at the same time. The reason behind this is that it may result in poor or compromised safety for the child’s safety. If you put unnecessary stress on its components the seat is likely to underperform for its safety feature.

Moreover, if you use the ISOFIX and a seatbelt at the same time it can also damage or alter the distribution of the force in the case of a crash. For car seat installation you should only opt for one method that is ISOFIX or you can use the vehicle’s own seatbelt!

Can you install a car seat with just a seatbelt?

Yes, you can surely choose to use only the seatbelt instant of a car seat. A car seat that is fixed with the seat belt is safe and secure enough as with the latch system. However, ISOFIX car seats are more secure and offer reliable stability.

Is ISOFIX as safe as a seatbelt?

Unlike regular car seats or a seat belt in a car, the ISOFIX sets are highly safe and secure for kids. So ISOFIX seats are better when it comes to safety than that of using the seat belt. ISOFIX makes sure of stability. Also, it cuts back the risk of injury up to 80%! The anchor hooks that lock into place with a click and you see the green indicator on the seat which means it’s secure now.


Travelling with kids is a careful approach especially if you have to take a long trip. While there are things to take care of such as baby food, toys etc. The car seat must be highly secure. The ISOFIX car sets are approved and make sure to cut back the chances of fatal injuries for sure. And if you are booking a taxi ride, make sure to ask the company or driver about safety child seats in the first place.

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